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文章来源:  |  发布时间:2015-11-09  |  【打印】 【关闭



     目:"STH-3D" views of Clean Energy Systems 

    报告人:严晋跃 教授 




  Clean energy is at the center of a highly active and dynamic field that changes and affects not only our current life but also our near future. Owing to the importance clean energy currently possesses and its transitive characteristics, research, development, implementation, innovation, and market penetration of clean energy technologies and systems have expanded in recent course of time. 

  Energy system have been in transition, extending their boundaries beyond the energy systems themselves. It can be called the 3D interactive extensions, which relate to the dimensions of physical space, time scale, and human behaviors-STH extension. As it was necessary for us to explore how we could efficiently and effectively use our space to supply, convert, and use energy resources. New smart grids and intelligent energy systems have been introduced and developed. These tools aim to solve the challenges of intermittent power generation and mismatching of energy supply and demand over a time scale. Human behavior is also integrated into the energy systems to interactively improve the sustainability. Under the new circumstance of the STH-dimensions, a new approach is needed to solve the challenging issues associated with new transition of future clean energy systems.  


  1991年瑞典皇家理工学院博士。2001年瑞典受聘为终身讲座教授。现为瑞典皇家理工学院和梅拉达伦大学教授,未来能源中心(Future Energy Profile)主任;国际应用能源创新研究院院长。  

  现任国际能源期刊<Applied Energy> (Elsevier)主编(影响因子为5.613);Energy Procedia (Elsevier) 顾问主编;大型权威参考工具书《Handbook of Clean Energy Systems(6) (Wiley)主编;同时担任数种国际期刊编委。国际应用能源大会(International Conference on Applied Energy, ICAE, www.applied-energy.org)大会主席。 中国科学技术协会全委和海智专家;中国国务院侨办专家委员会委员;北京市人才顾问;香港理工大学、香港城市大学等学术顾问; 联合国UNFCC CDM EB IPCC顾问专家;欧盟能源和气候变化顾问专家;亚洲开发银行(ADB)能源顾问专家等。“未来地球计划”中国委员会委员;2000年长江学者特聘教授。 

  主要从事可再生能源技术与低碳技术、能源系统集成与优化、碳捕集利用与封存和碳贸易、先进发电技术与相变储能,能源高效利用等领域方面研究。获得联合国环境发展暑支持的全球人居环境绿色技术奖等,全球SWFF奖最终获奖提名(Finalist),包括在Science, Nature Climate Change 等上发表论文约300篇。  



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